Game Making Competition


STEM For Kids is pleased to invite you to take part in the SFK International Game Challenge! Participants will be challenged to design and build an original computer game. This program will allow participants to qualify for the competition! Participants work with leading edge tools and learn to program and express their creativity as video games. Participants will work collaboratively like video game designers to design, develop and test their own video games.

CSTA Computer Science Standards: Computational Thinking Algorithms L1:3-3, L1:3-4, L1:6-2, Problem Solving L1:3-1, L1:6-1, Computing Practice and Programming L1:3-4, L1:6-5, L1:6-6, Collaboration L1:3-2, L1:6-3.

Usage: Afterschool Camp Or Classes

Prerequisites: Computer Game Making Lab I